The Importance Of Change Management In The Digital Transformation Process

Written by Yash Patil, Digital Marketing Strategist, Astreem Consulting

Digital transformation is integrating digital technology into all business areas, fundamentally changing how you operate and deliver value to customers. This usually involves both brand and digital transformation. The digital transformation that involves brand and business process transformation is something that all businesses need to gravitate towards and adopt new tools that help them manage their business more effectively to remain competitive. However, it is not enough to bring in the best digital experts, deploy the latest in technology, and implement the most efficient change in processes if the company does not also undergo a cultural change that requires some change management.

Related: Digital Business Management: The First Step To Digitalize Your Business

It’s Now Or It’s Late

Many times, most business owners think, “Yes, I know I am depending too much on my old process and taxing my workforce. Digitizing and redesigning my workflow to integrate my business systems is something I will do soon… once I have reached a certain revenue, once I have launched this new product, when I have more time, or when we hire a new CTO.”

But, as they say, Time and Tide wait for no man. Every day we put aside equipping our business for the future is another day we expose ourselves to being vulnerable to a lack of transparency, unnecessary repetitive tasks, human errors and additional workforce costs. In a world where everyone is blind, the one-eyed man shows the way. However, when more and more people start to see the benefits of implementing technology, a new standard becomes the new norm.

Today most companies adopt some technology. The issue is that most of this technology is implemented in piecemeal formats, usually without an organizational mandate on how each technology impacts the other. In order to implement effective adoption of new technologies and processes, businesses need to adopt an organization’s comprehensive Change Management exercise to navigate the journey towards industry 4.0 successfully.

Changing The Way Your Company Functions Requires A Champion To Lead The Way

In general, there are two major kinds of organizational change; change imposed by circumstances and change planned and adopted to encourage growth or improvement. To successfully implement Digital transformation, an over-arching company mandate and an implementation plan designed to help businesses prepare for a change instead of reacting to it are critical to all organizations, whether small or large. Appointing a Change Management Champion and a team dedicated to implementing this change can help the rest of the organization become onboarded faster. In addition, a planned Onboarding program focusing on the benefits, ease of use and reduction of manual labour can encourage team players who are resistant to change, largely due to a fear of the unknown.

Bringing On Additional Support To Facilitate The Change Management In Business Processes

Simply leveraging the best in technology and changing the work process can streamline a business’s efficiency. However, suppose the people who are supposed to be implementing it are resistant to change or cannot handle both existing workloads and implementing the new processes. In that case, the additional pressure on the various teams can cause the project to fail. Therefore, it is important for management to plan for this additional pressure on the various teams and bring in the right help to work on parallel workflows: one to keep the existing work processes going to avoid business disruption and the other team to focus on the future state of new workflows.

Astreem Can Help Your Business With Digital Transformation

At Astreem, we create growth strategies with partners ready to scale. We’re a team of strategists, innovators and problem solvers ready to increase your brand equity and digitize for scalability across Southeast Asia and beyond.

This article was first seen at

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